Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc. (LAWO) is a non-profit regional law firm that provide high quality legal assistance in civil matters to help eligible low-income individuals and groups in western Ohio achieve self reliance, and equal justice and economic opportunity.
LAWO partners with the community to reach survivors in need

Individuals experiencing domestic violence may face numerous barriers, including financial and/or economic instability. This can make it challenging for a survivor to leave an abusive situation, particularly if that person has children. With funding from the Office of the Ohio Attorney General and the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation, LAWO partners with crisis centers in Allen, Auglaize, Crawford, Hardin, Mercer and Wyandot counties to screen survivors in immediate need of legal assistance and identify holistic legal issues.
The screening tool establishes a trusting relationship with survivors to ensure that they receive timely responses and assistance in cases. Survivors also are evaluated for services they may need to obtain ongoing independence and stability. The project refers survivors to community partners whenever possible. Partner agencies in the project screen survivors and refer them to LAWO for legal assistance where needed.
Stacey* sought a protection order to stop abuse, but she didn't have a safe place to live. Stacey was screened to determine her ongoing legal and social service needs. The project helped Stacey find appropriate housing, affordable counseling, and appropriate public resources.
*This client’s name was changed to protect her privacy.