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News & Resources

In the Spotlight

George's Story

Read how LAWO and our partners at ABLE worked together on George's legal housing issue.

Domestic Violence Programs for Survivors

Read about the recent programs LAWO has implemented to support survivors.

LAWO Honors Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2022

LAWO shares recent projects, partnerships, and awards received for our efforts in providing quality services and legal representation for survivors of domestic violence in western Ohio.

Adison's Story

17-year-old Adison lives with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, a condition that causes muscle weakness throughout the body and severely restricts the use of his upper extremities. Read how ABLE and LAWO assisted Adison in acquiring a robotic arm to achieve independence.

SAFE Program Conducts Needs Assessment for Women with Disabilities in Lucas County

Findings from a recent SAFE Program survey are now being implemented to assist this underrepresent community of survivors.

LAWO and ABLE Publish 2022 – 2023 Harvest Calendar for Ohio’s Farmworker Community

The Harvest Calendar is our main outreach tool for immigrants and agricultural workers, reaching nearly 2,000 people.

Veterans Project Addresses PTSD and Legal Needs for Low-Income Individuals

LAWO has developed the Veterans Project to address the specific needs and issues of our military community experiencing PTSD and the negative living situations that may accompany it.

Tammy's Story

It's important to understand your responsibilities as a co-signer for a student loan. Read Tammy's story about how an LAWO attorney assisted her while being sued by a student loan creditor.

LSC Releases 2022 Justice Gap Study

Every few years, the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) conducts an in-depth study documenting the significant legal needs disparities Americans living in poverty experience. Read the 2022 Justice Gap Study now.

Free Legal Needs Check-Ups Available to Low-Income Seniors in Western Ohio

LAWO's Legal Aid Line is offering free Legal Need Check-Ups by telephone through the month of June, Elder Abuse Awareness Month. Check-Ups are available to low-income residents of western Ohio ages 60 and older. 

Housing is a Health Issue in Allen County Says Recent Community Survey

Substandard housing and lack of transportation are health issues in the communities we serve. That's why LAWO works with community partners to identify factors in the home and provide legal assistance to tenants in need.

Neveah's Story

Neveah was subleasing an apartment and faced eviction issues when she found out her former roommate had not stayed up-to-date on the rent.