Innovation & Technology
Technology can be a powerful tool to enforce the rights of individuals and communities living in poverty. LAWO uses technology and innovation to empower individuals and families to effectively manage their civil legal needs, advance their legal rights, and achieve meaningful access to the judicial system through limited legal assistance, legal information, legal education, and online tools and resources. This can include services in the following areas:
- Access to Courts & the Legal System
- Families & Children
- Housing & Housing Conditions
- Money Matters & Money Problems
- Security & Protection for Seniors
- Safety & Freedom from Domestic Violence
Practice Areas: Child Support, Custody, Divorce | Eviction, Rent Escrow, Security Deposit| Consumer Debt Collection, Creditor Harassment, Payday Lending, Car Title Loans, Wage Garnishment | Relationship Abuse | Health Advance Directives, Financial Power of Attorney, Wills & Estates

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