Empowering Seniors
Seniors have a right to live with independence and control over decisions that affect them. LAWO ensures the independence and self-determination of seniors by protecting their rights, empowering them to protect their rights themselves, and connecting them to critical information and helpful resources. This can include services in the following areas:
- Protection of Legal Rights, Safety & Dignity
- Income & Asset Preservation
- Safe & Affordable Housing
- Plan Ahead & Protect Yourself Legal Series for Seniors
- Grandfamily Legal Assistance
Practice Areas: Custody | Divorce | Grandparent Power of Attorney | Kinship Care Affidavit | Eviction | Rent Escrow | Consumer Debt Collection | Creditor Harassment | Wage Garnishment | Relationship Abuse | Financial Exploitation| Health Advance Directives, Financial Power of Attorney, Wills & Estates | Healthcare | Government Benefits

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